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About us

Mission Statement



The Republican Women of Union County, NJ (“RWUC”) is a grassroots organization that seeks to engage, empower, and educate Republican women in Union County.  


We strive to provide opportunities for women to get involved, to create connections on a local, county, and state level, and to provide a platform for women to successfully run for elected office.  


We advocate independent thinking and encourage diversity of thought by attracting women from every corner of our county.


United we stand; United our voices are heard.


The RWUC is affiliated with the NJ Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women.



Co-Presidents: JoAnn Neylan and Diane Bilicska

C0-Vice-Presidents: Lisa Allen and Jennifer Makar

Secretary: Mary O'Connor

Treasurer: Jeanne Kingsley


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There is no better time for women to significantly influence the New Jersey political scene, and no better place than Union County.  Be part of the movement...

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